Open house at Pdk Selayang (8 august 15)

Open house at Pdk Selayang, happy day with the staff. And yg paling happyy we all dpt duit raya dari boss lagiii. rezeki jgn ditolakk hahah kbye

Homemade Chocolate cupcake with cheese frosting and Japanese cream puff.

 Japanese cream puff, kali keempat try baru jadi. But at least Im tryin, tkdelah mudah nk give up kan syg ? :p

Chocolate cupcake with cheese frosting. my first try and menjadi alhamdulillah. Yg ni senang je sbb kek kann,  ingtkan susah buat benda ni. tapi okayla senang giler.

and yang ni pulak coklat cupcake jugak but fr my open house at 2 august 15. shida siap belikan stand bagai utk cupcake ni. And alhamdulillah all friends and cousins cakap sedap cupcake ni, haha tgok la alya yg buat :p 
InsyaAllah I will jual this cupcake hjung bulan august ni, but not only the cupcake but brownies, blueberry cheese tart and bnyk lagi. okay bye


Hello strangers, did I buruk2 kan u ? no aite ? this is my blog so I can post anything that I want, call me childish? wth. Talk about childish, do you think you matured enough haa ? And for sure I will delete that picture but not that post. Bcause I dont want to argue with strangers yg konon tetiba "found" my blog and suruh dlete post yg dh lama tu. sigh
and im wondering why u still hve my nmbr? just dlete it. Bye